Funding for schools to develop their music offer
All primary, secondary and special schools / academies and pupil referral units across Manchester have access to financial support from MyHub for instrumental tuition.
The MyHub grant cannot be used to fund the statutory music curriculum.
MyHub will devolve an annual amount of funding, based on pupil numbers, dependent on the grant from DFE providing that schools meet the following conditions to engage with MyHub:
- all school will provide a named contact – usually the music co-ordinator / head of music / performing arts lead, to receive communications from MyHub
- all school will complete an annual data return – this will be sent as a link in the summer term and refers to the work delivered in that academic year
- primary schools deliver first access / WCET opportunities – usually in key stage 2 , see the information below
- secondary schools use the money solely for instrumental / vocal tuition
- *NEW – schools will add information to their websites to signpost students and families to musical opportunities in Manchester and out of school music centres run by One Education Music.
Please note that MyHub also use the music grant funding strategically to support the provision of free or low cost continuing professional development training, subsidised large scale performance opportunities such as “The Big Sing” and “Showcase” and annual new initiatives with partner organisations across Manchester and nationally.
One Education Music is MyHub’s commissioned lead partner for the delivery of instrumental and singing tuition across Manchester, but schools may use other providers who meet the needs of the schools and who can provide appropriate references to their teaching and musical competence.
What is First Access (WCET) ?
First Access or whole class emsemble tuition (WCET) is a core role for music education hubs who must:
“Ensure that every child aged five to 18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (other than voice) through whole-class ensemble teaching (WCET) programmes for ideally a year (but for a minimum of a term) of weekly tuition on the same instrument. “
There are many different ways of providing first access in a school.
Normally it is in a large group or whole class setting but classes may be split. After this opportunity all pupils should be able to make an informed choice about continuing to learn a musical instrument. This may be continuing to learn the same or a different musical instrument.
MyHub can support schools to design a first access programme that can offer a coherent progression route in school or in the local community.
Schools are then able to plan further instrumental provision for those pupils who wish to continue learning the instrument of their choice. Many schools buy in ensemble delivery to allow pupils to continue playing in a large group / ensemble setting to follow on from their First Access experience.