
Engagement Strategy

The Ofsted report “Music in schools: what hubs must do“ finds that many hubs do valuable work in providing instrumental teaching and supporting local orchestras, choirs, festivals and music courses as well as building local partnerships.

  • MyHub is committed to promoting themselves with schools as expert leaders of music education within their areas and not simply as providers of services;
  • MyHub will undertake an effective, supportive and challenging conversation with all schools in Manchester.
  • It will support schools, school leaders and staff in improving and evaluating the music education they provide, especially support in delivering and evaluating curriculum music lessons.

Schools can email if you would like to discuss your music provision and find out more about music services delivered by One Education Music.

If you require further information about Music and Vocal Strategies and what good music provision in school looks like please follow the links below:

Please note that schools can use the following information as a self evaluation tool or to highlight areas that may be developing in school as part of a school improvement plan.