
Who makes decisions?

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The Strategic Board of MyHub meets five times a year (you can see the list of people on the board in the introduction section of these pages).  The grant we receive is based on the number of pupils in schools in Manchester and equates to around £7.50 per head. We work to deliver a business plan, agreed with the Arts Council of England and the Department for Education.  Our priority is to get all young people in Manchester playing, composing and engaging with music throughout their lives.  We are accountable to them for how the money is allocated and the impact this has on music making in Manchester.

We fund music in schools though a delegated grant to all schools across Manchester.  This is done on a student per capita basis.  Manchester City Council manages this for MyHub.  Schools must give students the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and may decide on other musical activity to suit their school needs.

One Education Music and other independent music teachers offer their skills to schools and work with the students to increase their playing ability.  Schools are required to send data to MyHub at the end of a year to show how the money has been spent and what money has been invested by the schools, the parents and through other fundraising.

One Education Music receives a grant from the Strategic Board to deliver services to schools and to run the seven music centres’ spread across the city (you can find the list on this web site and the timetables of their activity).  These centres provide music tuition and the opportunity to join ensembles.  One Education Music is accountable to the Board.

MyHub also supports initiatives outside school time which we plan with partners and young people.  Partners such as Brighter Sound, RNCM, Manchester Camerata, BBC, Z Arts and many others have engaged with us during the last year (look at our partner pages). You can find evidence of many of the projects on our news and events pages or on the partners’ web site.